Registration 2024

[ Fees and Gear | Preparation | DRIBL Link + Help | What’s Next? | Terms and Conditions ]

WINTER SOCCER 2025 – Registrations are NOW OPEN


Click the following link to register online. If you require information about costs, the registration process, gear, the season or our club, read the pages below.


RWFC Welcomes Registrations for…

Our club caters for all ages, male and female, from Grade 6 to All Age, Premier League, Over 35 and Over 45 teams. In recent years we’ve had 9 non-competitive teams (G6-G10), 8 junior teams, and 10 senior teams – including all female teams in G12, G14, G16 and male teams in Premier League, All Age, Over 35 and Over 45.

Age Restrictions

These rules were set by BDAFA.

  • Grades 6 to 21 inclusive – A player’s age for grading purposes is determined by the age they turn in the current calendar year. Must be a minimum of five years old by 31st December of the current playing year. A player may not register or participate in an age group which is more than two (2) years above the age they turn in the current calendar year (exceptions at the discretion of BDAFA). Hence a kid turning 7 anytime this year can play in either Grade 7, Grade 8 or Grade 9.
  • Over 35 – must have had their 35th birthday by 31st December of the year preceding the current season
  • Other Over Age competitions such as Over 45 or Over 30 Ladies – managed the same way as the Over 35.
  • All Age including Premier League – must have already passed their 17th birthday prior to being eligible to register and play (exceptions at the discretion of BDAFA).
  • Kindy more relaxed aged restrictions. We accept 3 – 6 year olds.

Player and Team Official Information

Click here to download (PDF) Please note this information remains current.

Coach and Manager Information

Click here to download (PDF) Please note this information remains current.

General question about our club

If you have general questions about our club then go to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) link on our website. Otherwise, read on to register.

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Fees and Gear

There is ONE FEE for the entire season which covers insurance, referees fees, ground and lighting requirements for game and training days, and general running of the club and club property including match day activities. You will not be asked to pay any money on a weekly basis. Unlike other clubs, there are no other match fees.

  • Free Player Pack New Players in Under 6s will receive socks and shorts. Excludes returning players.
  • Active Kids $50 voucher. The NSW Government will provide a $50 voucher to eligible parents/guardians of school enrolled children. The $50 voucher can be used for registration and participation costs for sport and fitness activities. Click here for details on how to get the voucher and voucher number. Enter this voucher number towards the end of the online registration process.
  • A season gift for all junior players, managers and coaches.
  • All Grade 6 – 18 players will receive a jersey, shorts and socks.
  • All Age and Premier League (BPL/BDL) will receive shorts.
Grade Early
(to 1st Feb 2025)
Grade 6 – 7 $180 $200
Grade 8 – 11 $220 $250
Grade 12 – 18 $250 $280
(F/T) 19+
Senior/All Age $405 $435
Premier League
$435 $465

1. Your registration fee applies to the grade you are playing in – not your age.
2. See the Preparation section if you are a student as we require proof.
3. Refunds – please see our refund policy by clicking here (FAQ page).
4. Registrations are open until June 30.

Player’s gear

The following is the minimum gear required to play.

Item Details
Jersey Provided by the club
Shorts Purchase through the club *
Socks Purchase through the club *
Shin pads You provide.
Mandatory for training/games.
Boots You provide.
Mandatory for training/games.
You provide.

1. * (Shorts and Socks).
    All Grade 6 – 18 players will receive a jersey, shorts and socks.
    All Age and Premier League (BPL/BDL) will receive shorts.
2. There are other optional items that may be purchased. See the SHOP menu link.
3. Items can be purchased on specially announced nights pre-season and then at the clubhouse canteen during the season.


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If you are new to soccer or need to update your old photo. Get a passport style photo of yourself from the shoulders up with no glasses or hat on. It can be cropped from any normal photo. Have this ready for online registration (122 pixels x 156 pixels). Click here for more photo guidelines on how to make the photo.

Payment Options

The Play Football website only caters for credit cards (Mastercard or Visa).

Active Kids voucher

The NSW Government will provide a $50 voucher to eligible parents/guardians of school enrolled children. The $50 voucher can be used for registration and participation costs for sport and fitness activities. Click here for details on how to get the voucher and voucher number. Enter this voucher number towards the end of the online registration process. The following youtube link can provide you details on how to apply for the active kids voucher: Click here for youtube clip.

What you cannot do online

There are some things that cannot be done when registering on the MyFootballClub website. These include the following:

  • Paying for gear (if required)
  • For new players – presenting identification
  • For students – presenting identification
  • For coaches, managers or committee members – presenting identification and registering for the Working With Children Check 

Paying for gear

Click on the menu link Fees and Gear at the top of this page.

New players to our club
Junior players need to provide a birth certificate or passport. Senior players to provide photo identification – driver licence or passport.

These need to be prepared beforehand and presented at the initial face-to-face club meetings.

All Players who were last registered outside of our association (BDAFA – Bankstown District Amateur Football Association) must provide a clearance letter from their most recent Club.

1. Provide identification – driver licence or passport.

2. Working With Children Check (Volunteer/Student Declaration). A government requirement. Requires filling in forms, and taking this filled in form with identification to the nearest Service NSW Centre (formerly the RTA) to lodge (click here for locations). Clearance using this new method lasts for 5 years. Service NSW will provide in the post a document indicating a successful application and a clearance number. Show that clearance number to our registrar. To start the process and for further information click here. You’ll see a big blue button on that page to ‘Start Here’.

These need to be prepared beforehand and presented at the initial face-to-face club meetings.

1. Provide identification – driver licence or passport.

2. Working With Children Check (Volunteer/Student Declaration). A government requirement. Requires filling in forms, and taking this filled in form with identification to the nearest Service NSW Centre (formerly the RTA) to lodge (click here for locations). Clearance using this new method lasts for 5 years. Service NSW will provide in the post a document indicating a successful application and a clearance number. Show that clearance number to our registrar. To start the process and for further information click here. You’ll see a big blue button on that page to ‘Start Here’.

These need to be prepared beforehand and presented at the initial face-to-face club meetings.

1. Working With Children Check (Volunteer/Student Declaration). A government requirement. Requires filling in forms, and taking this filled in form with identification to the nearest Service NSW Centre (formerly the RTA) to lodge (click here for locations). Clearance using this new method lasts for 5 years. Service NSW will provide in the post a document indicating a successful application and a clearance number. Show that clearance number to our registrar. To start the process and for further information click here. You’ll see a big blue button on that page to ‘Start Here’.

These need to be prepared beforehand and presented at the initial face-to-face club meetings.


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DRIBL Online Registration


Registration is done via the DRIBL website. Once on the registration page, scroll down for a step by step on how to register with the following in mind: 

Players = Player Registration
Coaches = Coach Registration
Managers & Committee = Volunteer Registration

HELP or more info:

  • Revesby Workers Football Club registration help: Contact the Registar. Contact details – click here.


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What happens next?

The registration period runs from January and finalises in March. Thereafter, all coaches and managers will be notified by email about gradings (if applicable), and team formation and the coaches & managers meetings.

If you are new to our club and have some general questions then review our Frequently Asked Questions section by clicking here.


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Terms and Conditions

The specific detail of RWFC CODE OF CONDUCT can be reviewed by clicking on the following list;

Working With Children details can be reviewed by clicking on the following list;