Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ2017-08-09T11:20:46+10:00
Age restrictions2020-01-30T23:42:44+11:00

These rules are set by BDAFA as at 30/1/2020.

  • Grades 6 to 21 inclusive – Must be a minimum of five years old by 31st December of the current playing year. A player’s eligible age is determined by the age they attain in the current calendar year. A player may not register or participate in an age group which is more than two (2) years above the age they turn in the current calendar year (exceptions at the discretion of BDAFA). Hence a kid turning 7 anytime this year can play in either Grade 7, Grade 8 or Grade 9.
  • Over 35 – must have had their 35th birthday by 31st December of the year preceding the current season
  • Other Over Age competitions such as Over 45 or Over 30 Ladies – managed the same way as Over 35.
  • All Age including Premier League – must have already passed their 17th birthday prior to being eligible to register and play (exceptions at the discretion of BDAFA).
  • Kindy more relaxed aged restrictions. We accept 3 – 5 year olds.
Draw / Results /Table2023-12-23T12:27:33+11:00

All fixtures, match results and the ladder are listed on the DRIBL phone app. Download and install on your phone.

If you have any questions about how to use DRIBL, please ask at registration or your coach.

RWFC Constitution2016-02-07T21:50:55+11:00
Forms – Team sheets and other documents2019-04-01T21:12:30+11:00

Referees Payment Sheet – click here to download

For the following forms and documents, please go to the Association’s website at and click on the Documents link

  • Premier League Team Sheet
  • Team sheets
  • Club Recorders Results Card
  • Suspension Served
  • Blue Referees Report
  • Ground or Team Marshall Report
  • Transfer Form
  • Association by-laws


RWFC Coaches and Managers Manual2017-05-03T09:08:54+10:00
Game days / times2024-12-23T09:22:07+11:00

Winter Season

Juniors – Girls: 6’s-9’s on Saturday mornings with 10’s and onwards on Sunday mornings. All other Juniors (boys + mixed) on Saturday mornings. From 8am onwards Sat/Sun.

Ladies – Sundays

All age men and Premier League: generally play on Saturday afternoons.

Some catch-up games due to bad weather or mishaps may be played mid-week, Sundays (men & juniors) or Saturday (ladies).  There is a maximum of one catch-up game per team per round.

Finals would usually conclude by the last weekend in August, or early September if the season is extended due to bad weather.

Exact times are determined near the start of the season when the draw is released by the association. The RWFC committee will notify all club members at this time on the website/social media and through coaches/managers.

Summer Season

Normally played mid-week Oct-Dec.

Game location2021-01-17T11:24:08+11:00

Winter Season

All grounds are within 15 minutes drive of our home ground.

Home and away games for all competitive divisions.

Click on Season > Grounds for a list of clubs and ground locations (links to the association page)

Summer Season

Normally all games are played at Milperra Reserve, corner of Bullecourt and Ashford Avenues, Milperra. In some cases, some games are played at our home ground, Marco Reserve.

Injury claims / insurance2019-09-30T20:18:25+10:00

Sport Injury insurance is part of the program implemented by Football NSW – the Football NSW Limited Risk Management and Player Protection Plan.

Do the following as soon as possible if an injury has taken place during an official match or an official training session.

  1. Notify our association (BFADA) immediately by filling in the online form. Click here to access this form.
  2. Put in an insurance claim form with the insurance provider. For details about what is claimable, the steps to claim (online form or by other means), please click here... (Football NSW Accident Support Program pages).
Player and Team Officials Information2017-05-03T09:53:48+10:00

Click here to download (PDF)

Further information for Coaches and Managers can be found by going to the Season main menu link or by clicking here.

Player/Team/Parent Responsibilities2016-02-05T20:30:45+11:00

All players (and/or a parent) are required to assist with ground and canteen duties as required. Each team should expect to be rostered on for ground duty 3-4 times during the season, for about 3 hours each time throughout the season — this may include providing an unofficial referee. Parents are reminded that whilst Club officials will take care of players at training and games, they are not responsible for your children—parents are expected to drop off and pick up players from the field, not the car park, and to do so on time.

Parents (and players) are encouraged to volunteer as team coaches and managers.

We have a coaching coordinator and a managers coordinator to assist and support those new to the role/s.

Refund policy2022-05-02T22:09:43+10:00

Whilst we make every effort to find the right team for each player, there are times when this doesn’t happen and de-registration is requested. As a club, we incur many costs at various stages throughout the season, and our refund policy takes these into account. Our refund policy is as follows:

Click here for our 2022 refund policy

Season start2018-01-05T11:18:39+11:00

Winter Season

The first game of the season normally begins in the first weeks of April. Premier League may commence at a difference time to other divisions.

The actual start date and draw will be announced on the front page of this website and through typical communication channels ie via Coaches/Managers notified by email/SMS/social media.

Summer Season

The last three months of the year.

Season overview2024-06-09T12:02:27+10:00

Winter Season

A typical season involves the following events.

  1. Committee formed for the coming season (late in previous year)
  2. Registration period (Jan to April)
  3. Team formation. (March)
  4. Gradings (usually where there are multiple teams in a division). (March)
  5. Training dates determined. (March)
  6. Trial/pre-season practice games determined. (Feb / March)
  7. Trial/pre-season practice games played (March)
  8. Season start (April)
  9. Coaches and Manager’s meetings (monthly)
  10. Committee meetings (monthly / ad-hoc)
  11. Trivia night, Gala days and other events (mid-season)
  12. Season end (August)
  13. Junior Presentation Day (October)
  14. Senior Presentation Night (October)
  15. Annual General Meeting (Nov)

Summer Season

Around Aug/Sept an announcement is made with details of the coming Summer Season of soccer, the structure of the season, age groups, cost and how to register. The season runs from Oct to Dec.


Most teams train one afternoon a week (premier league twice a week), usually on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and somewhere between 5pm and 6.30pm.

Training is located on our home grounds. For some teams, when permissible, training may be located at Milperra Reserve, Milperra.

The training times are worked out once the teams are formed immediately after the registration phase, and in consideration of when the coach and manager are available. The season’s training details can be found on the front page or placed in the Season menu link of this website.

Trial games2016-02-17T04:05:34+11:00

Trial games are typically played on the last two Sundays in March.

All players are expected to attend.

It may involve traveling to a field outside of the Bankstown area.

The season’s training details can be found on the front page or placed in the Season menu link of this website.

Types of teams2018-01-05T11:35:14+11:00

Winter Season

RWFC caters for most ages, male and female, from Grade 6 to All Age, Premier League and Over 35’s.

In recent years we’ve had 9 non-competitive teams (G6-G10), 8 junior teams, and 10 senior teams – including all female teams in G12, G14, G16 and mens in 3 senior grades, a Premier League squad, and 3 Over 35’s teams.

Mixed teams are possible up to the 18s squad.

Summer Season

Various programs are offered throughout the summer season from our Milperra Reserve field, including a Kindy program for 4, 5  and 6 year olds, and summer programs for G7-10, ladies, and O35s.

Working With Children2017-01-02T14:02:42+11:00

Volunteers, coaches, managers and committee members require a clearance check as the positions entail liaising with children. This is a government requirement and is termed the Working With Children Check (Volunteer/Student Declaration).

The check requires filling in forms, and taking this filled in form with identification to the nearest Service NSW Centre (formerly the RTA) to lodge (click here for locations). Clearance using this method lasts for 5 years. Service NSW will provide in the post a document indicating a successful application and a clearance number. Show that clearance number to our registrar.

To start the process and for further information click here. You’ll see a big blue button on that page to ‘Start Here’.

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